Royal Jelly and Bee Pollen: Immune Boosting Superfood


Vivid Health Nutrition Royal Jelly & Bee Pollen with Bee Propolis is a concentrated, all natural formula of Royal Jelly, Bee Pollen and Bee Propolis, a mixture of highly potent bee products with health and healing properties that have been used for centuries.

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SKU: WOCM-VHNT-VHNT-G8WCQ7YJ4C9J-0000015116 Category: Tags: , ,


Royal Jelly has been utilized since ancient times in many cultures due to its concentration of vital nutrients, vitamins, and antioxidants. It is produced and used by nurse and worker bees to stimulate the growth of larvae. But this superfood has a wide variety of benefits to humans as well, which is why it has become so popular and why it has become such a staple supplement for so many people. Vivid Health Nutrition’s concentrated Royal Jelly complex features a formula that also includes bee pollen and bee propolis, because of their deep nutritional profiles. B Pollen and B Propolis help provide strong antioxidant support. While many similar products purport to offer the same ingredients, the verified quality of our Royal Jelly formula is unsurpassed. At Vivid Health Nutrition, we provide premium quality products so our customers can receive the maximum benefit from their supplements. That’s why all of our products like our Royal Jelly formula are independently tested by a third party laboratory before it’s sold to the consumer, so we can ensure that your supplement has the quality, quantity, and purity of what’s advertised on our labels.

MPN: BH-047

EAN: 0011711906499